30 Things Every Women should Have/Know before they turn 30.

This post was inspired by a post written by Pamela Redmond of Glamour Magazine. And she had written down things that she thinks every women should know before they turn 30.   I'm 26, but I felt like 30 is really closeby, like I'll be turning 30 really really soon.  So I thought of coming up with my own list that I think I should have/know before I turn 30.

1. Doing my dream job, or at least working on my dream.
2. Have a friend whom you can be your self, without pretentions whatsoever.
3. Have a bank account with money in it, and with that I mean money that will last for months or so.
4. Be in a good relationship with a partner whom you feel could be the one.
5. Travelled 3 different countries or more.
6. A good camera for taking pictures of your misadventures/adventures 
7. Spent 20's without regrets.
8. Have an interesting past life that could get you giggling and laughing out of the blue.
9. Skin products that work wonderfully well for you.
10. Have outfits for that important interview, formal occasion, and special date.
11. Have experienced wearing bikini.
12. A vision of what you want yourself to be at 30.
13. A journal.
14. A motto in life and a role model.
15. A direction.

1. That no one's going to do everything for you, and that you need to do something to get it.
2. Know thyself.
3. Understand that you should not be dependent on your partner, and practically live your own life.
4. Know how to apply make up.
5. How to leave something for yourself when it comes to love.
6. Always be on the guard.
7. It takes good planning to make things work.
8. That no pain will last, and that all will be well in time.
9. How to relax.
10. Perform yoga and other kinds of meditations.
11. How to speak a different language.
12. To stand up for something you believe in.
13. Communicate with people from different countries.
14. You are what you eat.
15. That there is a God. 


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