Holi Macaroni!

I watched "When Harry tries to Marry" the other night.  I chose it even when I don't really know much about the it.  All I know is that there's some guy named Harry who wanted to marry someone, and coming from a break up, I was eager to watch something romantic, so that after watching it I could cry once more.  Yes, I torture myself.

Funny enough, this movie was actually an Indian movie. What a coincidence, my ex was Indian. Hmmm.. so I said, is there something that the universe is trying to tell me here?  What the heck, I watched the movie and there was this part wherein Harry invited his girl to this traditional activity in which people were throwing colored powder to each other.  And I'm like, my gosh! That looks so fun! I sure would want to try that as well.  After the movie, I immediately asked Mr. Google as to what the festival is called.  It was actually named holi, a celebration of colors, which was done to eliminate bad auras in people by spreading fun.  And I'm all for fun!

I would have loved for my ex to come with me.  I would've dumped a lot of powder on him and probably poke him in the eyes after.

Yeah, that would be fun! :)

Disclaimer: the pics in this post are not mine.


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